Eagle Building Materials
Eagle Building Materials
Eagle Building Materials
Eagle Building Materials
Eagle Building Materials
Eagle Building Materials
Eagle Building Materials

Eagle Building Materials

At a first glance, we immediately noticed that Eagle Building Materials webpage was in need of a serious update to both its appearance and quality. The site had a poor visual aspect, low quality images, disorganized structure, excessive information and no real logical flow, which makes for a very unfriendly user experience.

All these defects were brought to light upon further examination of the webpage. Changes were not able to be made within the website, which is why for this particular project we proposed a series of solutions that when applied, would transform the page, and clearly denote a very noticeable before and after. These solutions would allow for greater ease of access when navigating within the page.

At MESA DEV, the first order of business is to focus on giving Eagle Building Materials webpage a much improved visual aspect. Necessary improvements ensued as far as strategic placement for site content. Finally, we applied required changes to bring an overall great and improved user experience. A great company such as Eagle Building Materials deserves a site that showcases the quality work they do for both current and prospective clients.


Eagle Building Materials is a company that provides Blue Eagle stucco. This product allows for a long lasting color finish over any Portland cement base due to a specific and careful preparation. Their website was in need of a major update and lacked modern standard requirements to make it easier for users to navigate.


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